Thursday, April 29, 2010

My Addiction For Hugs is Returning! -

- Yay! I think :/ Thanks to Bob (ILY!) and Sean (not so much). Anyways today is Friday so I am semi-partying, the reason being I'm too tired to actually do anything but I'm looking forward to sleeping in ;) Also America's Next Top Model is on and I think its the final - yay! Haha I know I'm such a nerdicles 8) Heh.
Anyways my toes are sore from ballet last night, even though we just did pointe, as usual, my toes got sore and my school shoes didn't help because they squish up my toes a little bit. It feels good to not have my shoes on.
Yeah so this morning I got a hot chocolate at McDonalds (Yum!) and was momentarily popular... then I finished it. Oh and also for some reason one of my weird friends started coming up with facts about Hitler (!) and it turns out he died today, so out of randomness my friends and I drew that nazi thing on the palms of our right hand (so it was most likely a teacher wouldn't see it) and it turns out I drew it backwards on my friend Alicia, haha, epic fail :)
Still isn't raining, that sucks, and it was way too hot today at lunchtime which made my sleepiness even worse :P
Heh. I'm hungry.
Say no to drugs!! :P
~ Aimee

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Leaf Angel! -

Yesterday I went to the Auckland Museum and the wintergardens, and there's this field in between the two, and on the field there were TONS of leaves, so I lay down on the ground and made a leaf angel, kinda like a snow angel but with leaves >.<
Haha, I just remembered how when I was in year 4 (I was about 7/8) and I went to the wintergarden for camp, and I thought it was creepy there :P Haha, kids and their imagination :D
Anyways I should practice drawing hands for school, I have to draw these really grotesque(love that word!) hands reaching out and clutching nothing, so I'm gonna start off drawing hands like resting on someones lap or something, so that I get good at drawing hands (I know I suck at it!) and then I can start doing hands in extreme poses :P Ah, as Melissa says, I suck (in a good way) LOL!
Anyways, I think the zoo (at dads) is going fishing ;) So naturally I find it boring, I might be able to take my drawing book (some random book I draw in :P) and draw there, but I could get distracted :/... I get distracted easily.
Doritos! Yum P:
~ Aimee

Thursday, April 15, 2010

And The Holidays Near An End... -

- Waaah! :( Two more days and the holidays are over. This sucks cause I promised myself that I would not waste a day, yet a day has been wasted. I think I prefer being at school and complaining about how I want the holidays to come than it being the holidays where I have to sit around doing nothing, and have no credit (noooo! D:). Just so you know I am NOT saying I like school ;) Hehehe...
Sooo Clash of The Titans was an okay movie... except I didn't really see the point of it being in 3D because you could barely notice it, plus I didn't see the point in it having the word "Titans" in it when it had pretty much nothing to do with it. After it all I regretted complaining because my dicko brothers made this huge fuss over it when clearly I had more of a point (and made more sense) but they still wouldn't side with me, I don't see what their problem is :/
In three hours I'll be catching a bus back home to Blaze (:D) and my wonderful bed (;D)!!! Yay! During the bus ride I'll most likely be doing homework (D:) or thinking of ways to kill my brothers (not literally ;)) ...maybe I should write a list ;) Lolz.

Today I peeled and cut about 4 kilos of onions (the most I have ever seen in my life *emphasis on the "ever"*) for some capsicum relish, which was fun because I shamed my dad out that the onions wouldnt make me cry, but then I got shamed because it turns out that it was my contact lenses ;D I wanted to be all super-no-cry so that sucked.
I got some cool nail polish so now I'm gonna call it Mystical Nail Polish haha that's awesome writing like that :D
Mystical Nail Polish :D
~ Aimee

Monday, April 12, 2010

Happy Easter! -

- Happy Easter! The time when we stuff our faces with chocolate until we either can't breathe or explode :D I have first-hand experience at the can't breathe one ;)
Just so you know I saw Alice in Wonderland, and I will be watching Clash of The Titans in 3D tomorrow! Yay! (It has a cracken - they are cool ;))

I'm at dads right now and the house is being sold so there was an open home today - equals me being outside with only an iPod for entertainment and hungryness, not good. I just hope I get a good bedroom and a bathroom for myself, I know thats not gonna happen but a girls gotta dream :)
Right now I'm kinda bored (as always) and am watching my step brother play some random dog racing game that I shouldn't be watching because I fear even though it is boring I will become distracted and watch it :) Haha, joking :P
Dinner, GTG
~ Aimee