Anyways my toes are sore from ballet last night, even though we just did pointe, as usual, my toes got sore and my school shoes didn't help because they squish up my toes a little bit. It feels good to not have my shoes on.
Yeah so this morning I got a hot chocolate at McDonalds (Yum!) and was momentarily popular... then I finished it. Oh and also for some reason one of my weird friends started coming up with facts about Hitler (!) and it turns out he died today, so out of randomness my friends and I drew that nazi thing on the palms of our right hand (so it was most likely a teacher wouldn't see it) and it turns out I drew it backwards on my friend Alicia, haha, epic fail :)
Still isn't raining, that sucks, and it was way too hot today at lunchtime which made my sleepiness even worse :P
Heh. I'm hungry.
Say no to drugs!! :P
~ Aimee