Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Starry Night -

- Haha, I couldn't think of a title so since I am just a tad obsessed with night (cause it's so cool) I randomly wrote this title.
Anyway last weekend I didn't do much, but I took a really cool picture of some random flowers :) Haha and I found my umbrella, joy!
I'm pretty sure that this week is some sorta youth week or something, so theres the youth festival on during saturday that goes to eight, so theres fire things! Haha I should be going with some friends, unless I don't get too side-tracked with my sewing or whatever - I'm sewing a vest ^^ I hope it turns out okay.
At the moment I'm annoyed, because I have thought of heaps of things to blog about when I'm not on the computer and when I get on the computer I forget them. They honestly just vanish into nothing.
Many frustrated bangs at the keyboard later....... I swear I've been hacked on Petville or something, my house and my person is all different, even my level is, today is not my day.
I just had to rant a little bit :)
~ Aimee

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Spastiks & Mushrooms -

- Well on Saturday the Zoo (+Grandma and Granddad) went to my Grandma and Granddads farm to pick mushrooms. When we got to the paddock we were going to it started to rain we stopped in this huckery old hay barn for about ten minutes, so my brother and I made a parody of Man vs. Wild - Spastiks vs. Wild (Just a warning, I was a bit hyper then) which was pretty lame. Anyway when it cleared up I took some mean as pics of mushrooms :P It was so cool, and when I ran out of pictures to take I randomly kicked the rotting mushrooms around, and actually got hit in the face by one when David kicked it in my direction :P
In english I have to say a speech, and I'll try use my super-cool technique at getting out of it - sit in a corner and pretend you're invisible - don't say anything or move much. It works, I got out of doing a speech in social studies once, but in english our teacher is videoing us so I might not manage to skip it :/ I might throw up. When I did my speech last year I was so nervous I was shaking so hard and I somehow said a three-minute speech in thirty seconds. Maybe I should skip breakfast that day.
I feel like writing something in french, so le jour 7 a triesieme cour on a EPS. That means on day 7 during 3rd period I have PE. I think.
I cry for people who lose their phones.
~ Aimee

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Pineapple Fever! -

- I recently started screaming "Pineapple Fever!" at people and drawing pineapples on their hands for absolutely no reason whatsoever. Cool, huh?
Today is friday, and its perfect weather: Its freezing cold but sunny and you're breath comes out all foggy/misty/whatever, and my brothers coming home. I guess that isn't really something to yay about, but we're going out for dinner so that makes up for it :D
My Whanau teacher is being a dick, he's really pissed off at my friends & I when we only pissed him off once. He separated us. Tragic.
I took some more pictures today, so be sure to check out my photoblog :) - You should know the address :)
Oh, and I also got blackmailed into going out with this guy - lets just call him blank - and I don't really like him. Also, all my friends weren't helping - sorry for the scratch marks guys, I know you meant no harm ;)
I wouldn't be surprised if whoever invented blackmailing has been murdered, if not, I'll do it myself.
~ Aimee

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Bring On The Rain -

- Just a few minutes ago it was pouring down with rain, the type when you just want to curl up on the couch with your cat/dog/pineapple and think about how glad you are that you're not outside - just the way I like it :)
I think my brain's on strike - I can't seem to think, seriously, I spent half an hour staring blankly at my maths homework this afternoon, then I decided that if I told my teacher that I didn't get it, she'd probably let me off. Aren't I just naughty? ;)
Gawd I'm hungry
~ Aimee

Monday, May 10, 2010

Oh Sweet Hospice Shop -

- Haha! Kidding, although I feel like going into one of those cheap as hospice shops to see whats there, I mean, why not be curious?
It's raining, for once, like it was all being held in until the sky couldn't handle it anymore and it all came tumbling out. Rain is both good and bad for me now: Good, because I so want to get soaking wet and sing random songs like "Singing in The Rain," or that one with the old man that we used to sing in primary school. Bad, because I so badly want to buy a thing of chalk and draw all over my drive way, which is pretty big.
I can't believe it's only tuesday, and I seriously want the weekend to come! This is gonna be a long week :/
Happy Days! :P
~ Aimee

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Bore Bore Boar (?) -

- Haha I am so bored I wrote boar XP Isn't that some sort of pig?
Anyway I finished reading My Sister's Keeper, and I have discovered that is the saddest book ever, ever. Period. Heh, period. At the end I ended up bawling my eyes out, honestly I was crying so hard I had to stop reading because I couldn't see anything but tears. It was like one of those cartoons you see when the characters have mini waterfalls coming out of their eyes. It was that sad. Advice: don't read it. Honest. When I finished it I actually wasn't so keen on watching the movie, but screw it, I'll watch it, cause it was a really good book.

So I got a new shirt yesterday, it's like this peach/apricot colour with a cute panda on it with peircings and stuff drawn on it :D Oh yeh. Haha and the card I got for mum for mothers day says: Mum, I planned to send you on an exotic cruise for Mothers Day, but I knew you'd miss me too much. Thats the type of mum you are :P Teasing, much?! Maybe I should change my title to "Happy Mothers Day!" but, I doubt that my mum or any mum would end up reading it.
This morning I made a smoothie, I just chucked a whole lotta fruit and some yoghurt and milk in a blender XP It was gooooood.
My brothers have made a huge decision in their life: The sound of their laughter, and trust me, it isn't a good one.
~ Aimee

Monday, May 3, 2010

I Have Cold Feet -

- Literally not metaphorically, I'm not getting married! ;)
Anyways I've just been reading (My Sisters Keeper) so yeah.. :P I guess it's a good book, but some of the parts can get boring (but I endure it!).
I remember the little self-confidence booster things my step-mum plants around the house, and I just realized they're true... odd. :
For there to be peace, there must be no emotion.
To avoid criticism:
Do Nothing,
Say Nothing,
Be Nothing.
I guess it's kinda good we can hate, I like to hate the people who annoy me, and the weather when it rains or doesn't rain at the wrong time :) Heh, like in PE, I am hoping like hell that it'll rain, but it doesn't, and when I walk home, it rains. Every action has a corresponding re-action though, like ending up fitter than usual, or changing into warm clothes after school and snuggling up on the couch listening to the rain bang on the roof. I got more Mystical Corn Chips (Yay!) but it cost money.
May the force be with you -
Oh sweet randomness
~ Aimee