Monday, February 22, 2010

How Do You Squish A Dinosaur? -

- You step on it. Courtesy of Bob. Today in english I cried. I was just laughing SO hard I couldn't help the tears coming out :3
This afternoon I did some shopping! I got some pants and a headband, I'll take a pic of them and show them to all you (imaginary) eager fans! Last night I didn't get around to making the cupcakes, (cupcakes are like little muffins in a paper cup thing. My pic is a highly fashionable one.) which sucks, but I just didn't have time. But in technology today the class made pancakes, I wasn't allowed because I didn't have the right shoes @_@ They were disgusting. My friends were kind enough to give me some, so I was eating them all through french, just because I had nothing better to do, even though they were gross. After french I binned them, I felt like I was gonna throw up (like Blaze) they were so disgusting.
*sighs* I need to go toilet.
~ Aimee

1 comment:

  1. Laughing is the best way to forget how boring classes are xD. i played games with my friend in maths, because i hated that subject and the other good option was sleeping :D

    so you´ve bought clothes at last! (hey! i´m not imaginary! hahahaha :D)

    big hugs!

    p.d.: thanks for explaining what cupcakes are ^^ (i think the name for them in spanish is "madalenas")
