Tuesday, October 5, 2010


- "Love, live and dance 'till you drop," in Japanese. *Sighs* I have a thing for Japan, I just love the culture and the fashion and the food there. My mum studied Japanese in Uni then lived in Japan for a couple of years and taught English, and the photos she has are absolutely amazing. I know that even though the pictures were taken a while ago and that Japan and Japanese fashion has changed, but it is so beautiful there that I randomly look through all of mums pictures when looking for inspiration. It is my dream to go to Japan and France one day :) Concluding that, I have decided to write all my titles in Japanese, of course, I will have an English translation, but take your time to admire the art of Japanese writing ♥
Happy Wednesday! The day of "Comedy Wednesday" on TV2 :D That means Cougar Town, Two and A Half Men and Castle are on! Whoop ;D The agenda today includes: Getting up out of bed at 10:30 (tick), doing all the exercises that consist of my grade in ballet practice (tick- that one was tiring :D), having a late lunch, doing my project and watching tv :D Today should be a good day, except for the project- is confusing :/
Tomorrow I shall be watching Vampires Suck! That is, if I have enough money, I've only got like $19 or something D:
Love, admittedly obsessed ♥


  1. cool! i wanna go to Japan someday too! must be amazing...

    so, i´ll practise my first words in japanese in your blog! haha ^_^

    good luck with your project and have a lovely day, darling!


  2. I wnna go to Peru one day n Italy

  3. Yay for travelling! :3 I also want to go to Italy and Greece and places with good food :9
