Monday, May 10, 2010

Oh Sweet Hospice Shop -

- Haha! Kidding, although I feel like going into one of those cheap as hospice shops to see whats there, I mean, why not be curious?
It's raining, for once, like it was all being held in until the sky couldn't handle it anymore and it all came tumbling out. Rain is both good and bad for me now: Good, because I so want to get soaking wet and sing random songs like "Singing in The Rain," or that one with the old man that we used to sing in primary school. Bad, because I so badly want to buy a thing of chalk and draw all over my drive way, which is pretty big.
I can't believe it's only tuesday, and I seriously want the weekend to come! This is gonna be a long week :/
Happy Days! :P
~ Aimee

1 comment:

  1. Oh em gee, remember when we were walking home.. i so 'didnt know you' and greer at that time..
