Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Starry Night -

- Haha, I couldn't think of a title so since I am just a tad obsessed with night (cause it's so cool) I randomly wrote this title.
Anyway last weekend I didn't do much, but I took a really cool picture of some random flowers :) Haha and I found my umbrella, joy!
I'm pretty sure that this week is some sorta youth week or something, so theres the youth festival on during saturday that goes to eight, so theres fire things! Haha I should be going with some friends, unless I don't get too side-tracked with my sewing or whatever - I'm sewing a vest ^^ I hope it turns out okay.
At the moment I'm annoyed, because I have thought of heaps of things to blog about when I'm not on the computer and when I get on the computer I forget them. They honestly just vanish into nothing.
Many frustrated bangs at the keyboard later....... I swear I've been hacked on Petville or something, my house and my person is all different, even my level is, today is not my day.
I just had to rant a little bit :)
~ Aimee


  1. Whoops, turned out I was playing an entirely different stinking game, god I'm dumb :)
    ~ Aimee

  2. congratulations for your speech!:) (i´ve just read your answer :P)

    haha that happens to me too! i have lots of things in mind to post, but when i open the blog i forget about them :D


  3. I'm so glad I'm not the only one :)
    ~ Aimee
